
Welcome. You have reached the website for electronically filing disputes and documents with district courts in Nevada. You must have an account to use this service.
IMPORTANT NOTICE OF REDACTION RESPONSIBILITY: I understand that I am responsible for redacting information that should not be viewed by the public and that this responsibility applies to all documents, including attachments.
Please refer to local rules for specifics on information that should be redacted.

Attorneys and self-represented litigants may currently eFile to the Eleventh Judicial District Court, State of Nevada. We hope your experience with eFiling disputes and documents to the court will be easier, faster, and more convenient for you.

Watch the eFiling Training Videos to learn how to use the system!

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The action you requested requires that you be signed in. Please sign in.
Enter your User Name and Password.
  I have read and agree to the Notice of Redaction Responsibility.